Friday, July 1, 2011

Ocean Beach Sunset

Tonight we watched the sun set over the Pacific from Ocean Beach. Until tonight, I'd managed to miss out on this San Francisco experience, but not for lack of trying. On previous attempts, the fog always seemed to roll in while I bused across the city, meaning I heard fog horns through the dense mist and smelled the smoke from bon fires, but saw nothing other than gray and white. On this clear night (clear enough to see the Barbers!), the husband man humored me after dinner in a nearby neighborhood, even though having grown up here (his childhood home is blocks away and he even got drunk for the first time on this very beach), this wasn't as special for him. Or maybe this time was more special than ever because he shared it with me. #cheeseball Bear with me while I chronicle the memory.

The dashing husband man.

The vhamster herself, very excited to enjoy her peach colored meringue from the Russian Bakery.

Beach dog in front of the Cliff House. He liked to dig trenches.

Feetsies in the sand.

Seal Rock

Put a bird on it! 

Ships criss-crossed the horizon. 

Ghostly barge.

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